Friday, December 28, 2012

"TED" -Starring Mark Wahlberg and a magical talking, toking, joking, stroking, teddy bear....

You know when you catch the preview of a new movie coming out and it looks hilarious? The kind of movie that catches your attention by showing you ALL of the funny scenes in the preview and when you sit down to watch the actual movie you realize that you've already done as much laughing as your going to do....Unfortunately, that description fits this movie to the letter. 

Disappointing to say the least, and def not Marky Mark's best work. On a scale of 1-10 i'd have to rate this movie a 3 and that's probably being generous. 

Here's how it breaks down....the typical unpopular child with parents to match buy kid a stuffed teddy bear for Christmas  Kid is happy to FINALLY have a "friend" who doesn't know what a dork he is and can't "unfriend" him on facebook, block his "tweets", ignore his phone calls and texts etc. He wishes that the bear could be his real friend forever and when he wakes up sure enough the bear is a real walking, talking, hugging teddy bear. 

Although the bear becomes famous for a few short lived days/weeks/months he keeps his word and stays true to his "Thunder Buddy" for life. The problem occurs once the kid becomes a 35 year old man, in a serious long term relationship. Faced with the possibility of losing the love of his life he makes the decision to separate from his buddy in the name of LOVE. The real question is....did he make the right decision???


  1. Come on now Wahlberg, a talking teddy bear? Where has your career gone man

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