Monday, December 23, 2013

Northampton District Courthouse, Massachusetts Legal System

Northampton District Court Directions from Google Maps

The courthouse is located at the intersection of 2 of the most well known streets in the town of Northampton, Main st and King st. Technically the building has an address on Gothic st which is always under construction for one reason or another so be prepared to take a little walk if you have court in the morning. Always leave yourself enough time to park at one of the meters on main st, which means bringing some change so you don't get a RIDICULOUSLY HIGH PRICED TICKET.

Proceed to walk over to what looks like the back of the courthouse and go through the metal detectors and then proceed upstairs to whichever court has summoned you. When first arriving always make sure to check in at the probation office which will notify the court of your presence and where you will be filling out paperwork to determine if your eligible for a "free" attorney or must hire one yourself based on your income. The attorney is NEVER actually free though as there is a min $150 fee which can be worked off through community service if the judge allows. Typically your working at a rate of $10 per hour so you'd potentially owe 15 hours of community service somewhere in the near vicinity. 

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